Jigging machine from OILWIND
OILWIND is a Faroese company that designs, produces and delivers fishing equipment globally. The product range includes an electric jigging machine (snella), which is an essential fishing tool in areas with rocky bottoms.
Project description
The electrical jigging machine JigReel from OILWIND is a powerful tool that operates on 24 volt gear motors, which we at GCM have helped to develop.
The motors are extra strong and ensure that you can easily haul in your catch. The jigging machine and gear motors are designed to withstand the harsh weather and tough conditions at sea.
The JigReel jigging machine uses an unique jigging-motion to attract fish and entice them to bite. It is possible to set the machine to a specific fishing depth, or search for fish in a given area. It is also designed to automatically pull fish up when the machine senses that there are many fish on the hooks, and then return to the set depth to continue fishing.
The machine is very compact with a weight of only 14 kg, and therefore leaves room for other important equipment for longline fishing.
The jigging machine is particularly useful in areas with rocky bottoms, where the use of trawls is not possible.
Developed by GCM
The jigging machine is equipped with specially developed motors and gears from GCM that control the unrolling or reeling in of the fishing line with its many hooks. The solution is custom-made to meet the specific challenges that can arise in sea fishing.