Rolling display for S-trains in Copenhagen

About Focon Electronic Systems

Focon Electronic Systems A/S was a Danish company specializing in the development and production of electronic display systems for public transport, including trains, buses, and metros. They provided solutions for displaying information, such as stations and schedules, to passengers.

Project description

In collaboration with Focon, GCM developed an information display for the S-trains in Copenhagen, showing the current station, route, train number, and more. The digital display was mounted externally on the train carriages and designed to provide passengers with accurate information, enabling them to navigate correctly during their journey on the S-trains.

GCM developed two gear motors, where the gear motors were mounted in separate aluminum tubes with a specially designed polymer coupling. The motor housing served both as a protective casing and an encoder that automatically registered the film’s position on the display via the electronics.

This solution ensured an accurate and reliable display of information on the screen, while remaining compact. Additionally, it offered a robust construction that was resistant to wear and vibrations.

Developed by GCM

GCM designed and developed two Ø22 mm gear motors mounted in separate aluminum tubes with a specially developed polymer coupling and a motor housing. The motor housing simultaneously acted as an encoder, automatically indicating the position of the film on the rolling display via electronics.

We provided a complete solution where all components, except for the motor control, were designed and developed by GCM. Furthermore, GCM selected all subcontractors and internally purchased, assembled, and tested all parts. Therefore, Focon only had to assemble the motor control and the film.

GCM solution for the Ørsted Satellite

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